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Found in the townships of Hawkesdale, MacArthur, Koroit, Mortlake, Mailors Flat, Woolsthorpe, Panmure, Grassmere, Kirkstall, Winslow, Purnim, Nullawarre, Peterborough, Yambuk, Cudgee, Caramut, Crossley, Wangoom, Garvok, Woorndoo, Framlingham, Naringal, Ellerslie, The Sisters, Hexham, Southern Cross, Darlington, Curdievale, Orford, Yangery, Minhamite, Nirranda, Laang, Bessiebelle, Broadwater, Naringal East, Toolong, Yarpturk, Warrong, Mepunga West, Nirranda South, Mepunga East, Tarrone, Willatook, Nullawarre North, St Helens, Minjah, Mepunga, Gazette, Chatsworth, Dundonnell & Nareeb - West Victoria.

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